Who we are

The European Union (EU) development cooperation with Zambia dates back to 1975, and  is provided through the European Development Fund (EDF) framework, established and regulated by the EU – ACP[1] Partnership Agreement (also referred to as the Cotonou Agreement). Currently, the EU is one of the largest providers of development assistance to Zambia. On the government side, this cooperation is coordinated by the Ministry of Finance (MoF), through the National Authorising Officer of the European Development Fund (NAO).

The National Authorising Office of the European Development Fund (NAO Support Office) is a unit under the Ministry of Finance (MoF). This office is responsible for providing technical and administrative support to the National Authorising Officer of the European Development Fund (NAO) and the European Union Delegation (EUD) to Zambia and COMESA, on the identification, initiation, implementation and coordination of all European Development Fund (EDF) funded projects in Zambia, in order to ensure efficient and effective implementation and impact.

The specific functions of the NAO are stipulated in Article V of the Cotonou Agreement. These include: preparation of National Indicative Programmes (NIPs), which are aligned to national priorities and programmes; identification and formulation of interventions for EDF support; approval of Programme Estimates (PEs); supervision of EDF financed programmes and projects; preparation of tender dossiers, awarding of contracts, and management of the contracts; facilitating capacity building throughout the EDF process; ensuring efficient and effective visibility of EDF programmes and projects in Zambia; and strengthening cooperation between Zambia and the EU.

[1] ACP – African, Caribbean and Pacific countries

Our mandate

Article 35 of the ACP-EU Cotonou Agreement gives the NAO the following responsibilities:

  • In close cooperation with the Head of Delegation be responsible for the preparation, submission and appraisal of projects and programmes;
  • In close cooperation with the Head of Delegation, issue invitations for local open tender, receive tenders, both local and international (open and restricted), preside over the examination of tenders , establish the results of this examination, sign contracts and riders thereto and approve expenditure;
  • Submit, before issuing invitations for local open tender, the invitation to tender dossier to the Head of Delegation who shall give his agreement within 30 days;
  • Complete the evaluation of tenders within the tender validity period taking into consideration the period required for approval of contract;
  • Transmit the results of examination of and a proposal for placing the contract to the Head of Delegation for his approval within the limits set out in Article 36;
  • Clear and authorise expenditure within the limits of the funds assigned to him; and
  • During the execution operations, make any adaptation arrangements necessary to ensure the proper execution of approved projects or programme from the economic and technical view point

Further, during the execution of operations and subject to the requirement to the Head of Delegation, the NAO shall decide on

  • technical adjustments and alterations in matters of detail so long as they do not affect the technical solution adopted and remain within the limits of the reserve for adjustments;
  • alterations to estimates during execution;
  • transfers from item to item estimates;
  • changes of site for multiple unit projects or programmes where justified on technical, economic or social grounds;
  • imposition or remission of penalties;
  • acts discharging guarantors;
  • purchase of goods, irrespective of their origin, on the local market;
  • use of construction equipment and machinery not originating in the member states or ACP states provided there is no production of comparable equipment and machinery in the member states;
  • subcontracting;
  • final acceptance, provided the Head of Delegation is present at provisional acceptance, endorses the corresponding minutes and, where appropriate , is present at the final acceptance, in particular where the extent of the reservations recorded at the provisional acceptance necessitates major additional work;
  • Hiring of consultants and other technical assistance experts’.