11th EDF

1.1      The 11th EDF Support Programme

All new programmes are being financed from the 11th EDF National Indicative Programme (NIP) 2014 to 2020. 
1.1.1  Indicative Budget Allocations
The focal areas and budget allocations of this programme are as summarized  below.

Energy Sector
Improved access to “clean, reliable, and affordable energy
• Distribution network upgraded and expanded Infrastructure by rehabilitating the Kariba Dam; and
• Capacity Development, studies in alternative energy (Solar).

The following projects have already been initiated, while others are still at formulation stage:
1. Rehabilitation of Kariba Dam €74 million: To assist the Zambezi River Authority in securing the long-term safety and reliability of the Kariba Dam Hydro-Electric Scheme. The purpose is to stabilize the Plunge Pool from further erosion and to refurbish the spillway equipment to allow using the spillway to its full capacity.

2. Lusaka Transmission and Distribution Rehabilitation- (Last Mile- Grid extension) to be Co-financed by GRZ likely with a loan from EIB – Euro 15 million; the EDF grant is €65 million. To meet the increased demand to electricity services by reinforcing and upgrading the power transmission and distribution infrastructure in Lusaka from 2013 to 2018. This will contribute greatly to overall objective of providing access to electricity services by connecting 65,000 households per annum and an additional 360,000 customers per annum between 2010 and 2016.

3. Support to the Zambia Energy Sector: increased access to electricity and Renewable Energy production; €40 million. The overall objective of this project is to improve access to clean, reliable and affordable energy and stimulate the renewable energy production in Zambia. The associated purposes are:

a) Strengthening policy, legal and institutional arrangements for the planning and development of renewable energy generation, distribution and promotion of energy efficiency;

b) Capacity Building for public-private project development with emphasis on renewable energy applications, both at technical and organizational levels;
c) Supporting GRZ in developing and implementing financially sustainable renewable energy projects leading to increased number of people having access to electricity, especially in rural areas.
Agriculture Sector
Reduced rural poverty and improved livelihoods:
• Rural development through conservation agriculture, livestock and nutrition.
• Improved agriculture services through private sector participation.
• Better agriculture and nutrition policies and performance; Capacity strengthening, vaccine production, fisheries, conservation farming.
The following projects have already been initiated, while others are still at formulation stage:
1. Support to the Agriculture Service Centers Project. €14 million To support the Government of Zambia’s policy objective of transitioning from low productivity, subsistence-based agriculture to more commercial production systems by promoting increased access to services and input and commodity markets for small-scale holders who make up over 70% of the country’s farming population.
2. Performance Enhancement Programme for the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock for Better Service Delivery to Farmers (PEP2); €10million. To support the Government of Zambia's policy objective to reduce rural poverty and enhance food and nutrition security.
3. Vaccine production – feasibility stage
Governance Sector
Advanced democratic governance, accountability and state effectiveness for all:

• Improved access to justice for all by creating a stronger enabling environment for effective delivery of access to justice for all;

• Reducing congestion of the justice system and human rights protected through enhanced efficiency and effectiveness of key institutions;

• Enhanced credibility and robustness of the electoral system;

• Increased public participation in the electoral processes, particularly for women and youth;

• Enhanced transparency, accountability and effectiveness in resources management. This Public Finance Management (PFM) programme will follow on to 10th EDF –PFM; and

• Civil Aviation: to build on current support of Euro 3 million, for strengthening sector operations and capacity building enhancement.

The following projects have already been initiated, while others are still at formulation stage:

1. Programme for Legal Empowerment and Enhanced Justice Delivery. €7 million Overall objective: Advance democratic governance, accountability and state effectiveness for all Specific objective: Improved justice delivery for all, and enhanced respect for and protection and fulfilment of human rights.

2. Support to the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) towards hosting of the 2016 Presidential, Parliamentary and General Elections. €10 million.

Overall objective: Strengthen democracy. Purpose: To ensure that the citizens of Zambia take part in credible elections that meet international standards and that there is greater participation underrepresented sectors of society in the electoral process.